The Yoga & Social Justice Blog
Intersectional Thoughts
for questions more than answers,
for considerations more than hard, fast rules,
for deep contemplation and earnest seekers
Personalizing Your Yoga Practice for Growth and Social Justice
Discover how to tailor the 100+ Tejal Yoga practices to your needs, fostering personal growth and social justice through introspection and mindful inquiry.
Climate Justice and Fashion Activism
Erdene Batzorig from Stand.Earth questions lululemon's relationship-building approach, shares her climate activism journey, and highlights environmental concerns related to the athleisure industry.
Why Summery Vinyasa practices?
Tejal Yoga's Summery Vinyasa practice, a unique blend of stretchy vinyasa, poetry reading, and creative writing, brought a soothing and creatively energizing experience to the community during the Summer Community Challenge.