Swap the overwhelm and anxiety with systems and support.

Gain clarity about your work as you forecast for your future.

Make it Easy with Tejal

Join an 11-week high touchpoint, intensive boutique training adapted to your unique needs!

Program Dates: November 7 - January 16
Mondays & Thursdays | 11-12:30p PT | 2-3:30p ET | 7-8:30p BST

* See below for specific dates accommodating holidays

Have you been…

building your business while wanting a more efficient way to launch your ideas and consistently show up?

You might be:

  • feeling scattered about how to launch your ideas

  • overwhelmed about the state of the world and wondering where you fit in

  • done playing small, ready to grow your presence, and eager to build aligned, authentic relationships with students and clients you know you can be of service to.

  • experiencing doubt, imposter syndrome, nerves, anxiety at the thought of going bigger in your work. That could show up as not sharing as much as you’d like over email, social media or in person with community members.

  • confused about choosing the next step to move towards your goals.

  • need clarity around finances and forecasting your future success.

  • tired and feeling lonely in doing this work.

I have experienced all these things and I want to offer you the tools to navigate your way through them!

Let’s work to Make It Easy!

Hi, I’m Tejal (she/they)

I started the Tejal Yoga platform as a natural extension of what I was already happily doing.

That’s why many of us decide to “start” a business—we’ve invested time and energy into learning about and growing something we love, and it feels right to expand into our passion.

I’ve been…

riddled with doubt, imposter syndrome, and anxiety about moving forward and being truly seen in my industry.

Here are my…

Coaching stories & professional experience

I sought out coaches and coaching programs that I thought would help me find clarity, gain tools, and level up my operations in a way I wasn’t able to identify alone.

While I definitely gained insights from every experience and some of the lessons were great reminders to stay on my path, others showed me what not to do when working with others.

I’ve also managed and led teams, both in my 9 year corporate finance career and in my 12+ years of teaching yoga and building yoga projects (abcdyogi, Tejal Yoga, and Yoga is Dead podcast). I’ve made some mistakes, unlocked valuable insights, measured actual progress and most importantly, have lived to tell the tale. You can learn even more about me here.

I’m not here solely for the fun of it, that’s just one piece of the pie. I love working with individuals and small groups and I’m here to foster growth in a number of areas - spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and actually, and to help you clear the path for what needs to be brought to the surface in your work to experience real change.

It’s taken many years for me to tighten up my processes and figure out my preferred workflow and daily tasks. I am ecstatic the time has finally come to share these insights with you and co-create ways to adapt my strategies to fit with the way you learns and operate.

What you’ll gain:

✔ 12-18 months of Revenue goals backed by reasoning & rationale

✔ 2 Templates to organize and collect your past program revenues and analyze seasonal trends for program forecasting

✔ A full-blown marketing and promotional plan for at least one of your upcoming programs

✔ A ready-to-launch program design document detailing the specific needs for your unique idea

✔ A sustainable, realistic social media posting plan built on manageable tasks and values-aligned content

✔ Finalized assets for 6 social media posts plugged into your new SM plan

✔ 1-2 completed blog/newsletter pieces that we’ll work to convert into even more social media content

Here’s the truth:

✔ You’ve got what it takes.

✔ You’re invested in ethical business practices.

✔ You’re ready to make necessary shifts.

✔ You know growth isn’t always easy or comfortable and you’re still on board.

✔ You don’t need to go it alone.

Let’s normalize the process together with support, mentorship, and community.

Tejal has an incredible approach to mentorship which is both heart-led and logical. She is warm and insightful and helped me get to the core of my challenge.

I’m so grateful for Tejal’s financial templates and support! I’m still behind on tracking everything and I’m still having a lot of anxiety about how much more money I need to make to be more financially stable, but at least I KNOW this from numbers and not just based on my emotions.

Make it Easy with Tejal

Join an 11-week high touchpoint, intensive boutique training adapted to your unique needs!

Program Dates: November 7 - January 16
Mondays & Thursdays | 11-12:30p PT | 2-3:30p ET | 7-8:30p BST

* See below for specific dates accommodating holidays


Opening the Container - Our first session

  • Introductions, goal-setting, and setting expectations for one another

Module 1: Stop Manifesting, Start Forecasting: Event & Revenue Planning

  • Use Reasoning and Rationale to build a forecast and see your future events and revenue with clarity

Module 2: The Trifecta of Programming: Create, Sustain, Transform

  • Understand what it takes to offer a solid value add program and use systems to simplify the process for yourself and others

Module 3: Clarifying Content: Creating, Scheduling & the Value of Repurposing

  • Learn and practice what it actually takes to develop and sustain a strong social media presence

  • Jan 9th Guest Teacher: Tristan Katz of Tristan Katz Creative

Closing the Container - Our final group session

  • Share best practices, lessons learned and contemplate future pathways for continued relationship

Weekly Schedule

We will meet twice weekly on most weeks.

Please prepare yourself to attend in-person for ALL sessions. Recordings will be made available however catching up with recordings is not advised.

This is a high touchpoint and very intensive course where you are asked to bring 100% effort and interest to your business and I agree to do the same!

Meeting dates:

Week 1: Thu 11/07

Week 2: Mon 11/11 & Thu 11/14

Week 3: Mon 11/18 & Thu 11/21

Week 4: No Sessions

Week 5: Mon 12/02 & Thu 12/05

Week 6: Mon 12/09 & Thu 12/12

Week 7: Mon 12/16 & Thu 12/19

Week 8: No Sessions

Week 9: No Sessions

Week 10: Mon 01/06 & Thu 01/09

Week 11: Mon 01/13 Thu 01/16

Once you sign up for the program, you can add all dates to your calendar.

What to expect:

✦ 1-on-1 guidance in meetings, voxer, email

✦ review of existing processes and trackers, current mindset around your work, and other perceived roadblocks

✦ tools, resources, and software hacks to help you achieve your goals

✦ ongoing support through a focused community and continued mentorship

What you’ll develop:

✦ a full financial forecast

✦ a promotion, marketing, and launch plan for one program

✦ up to 3 months of content with posting ideas and an email flow

✦ a laid out structure for a weekly workflow that suits your needs

and more!

Application & Pricing Info

Is Make It Easy the ideal program for you?

Yes! If you’ve been doing the work for 1 year or longer. You have to be using social media, have a current website, have practice writing a blog or have written about the work you do, and feel ready to start sharing more about the work you wish to do.

Submit your application now using this link


Schedule a Zoom Info Call with me to talk through your specific questions using this link

Other helpful attributes you might have:

  • You feel dedicated and energized in building processes and a strategy to help you feel more balanced in your life and aligned in your vision.

  • You are constantly asking yourself, “is there a more efficient way to do this?” when it comes to finances, marketing, and sharing your expertise/building a presence in the world.

  • You tend to talk yourself out of taking actions for your own business, but you’re always someone else’s #1 fan.

  • You feel conflicted about moving forward, thinking things like, “My industry is already saturated”, “Am I the right person to share about this?” AND “I know I have a unique voice that could be helpful”, “I love being of service to others.”

  • You’re ultimately ready to overcome obstacles and do this work with someone there to guide you.

  • You’re interested in being in a BIPOC centered space that invites your whole intersectional self into the conversation.

Pricing Pathways

Option #1
One-time payment $3,000

Works out to $200/session

Option #2
Pay via 3 monthly installments

$1,000/each month

Notes on Pricing:

Early Bird Discount now through Thursday, October 10th:

Early Bird pricing is available at 15% off bringing the total program cost down to $2,550

Tejal Yoga Member Discount:

Members receive 20% off until applications are accepted. To learn more about our sliding scale memberships click here. Memberships start as low as $40/month.

As Needed Scholarship:

There are a select number of scholarships spaces available to those experiencing financial need. Those also experiencing race-based/ethnic-based/caste-based stress are encouraged to inquire about this option through an Zoom Info Call.

Applications will be accepted through Wednesday, October 29th:

If you are are experiencing any hesitation about applying, please book a Zoom Info Call now.

All application submissions can expect to receive a response within 48 hours Monday-Friday.

Please note: this is an intimate, small group program with a max of 7 to 10 participants. Please apply early!

Speaking with Tejal was incredibly grounding and insightful and has helped facilitate a shift into a more reflective way of being.

I am so grateful for the mentorship Tejal offers. Her suggestions and guidance was just what I was looking for. I especially appreciate the consideration to my questions, and the nonjudgemental feedback.


  • Please consider accommodating ALL sessions. If you know you need to miss a session, schedule a Zoom Info Call with Tejal to discuss the particulars and to decide together whether this program at this time is right for you.

    See button below to book your call.

  • Great question. This all depends on your flow with data and writing. Please expect 1 or more short term assignments a week given Monday and due for review on Thursday.

    Additionally, there will be 1 or more longer term assignments that can be worked on for several weeks over the arc of the program.

  • This program is for you if you are a small business owner of 1 year or more looking to gain clarity around systems, processes, forecasts, and results. See more details in the above sections.

"On this path, no gain is ever reversed, no effort is ever wasted."

Bhagavad Gita