Mentoring Sessions


Learn about Mentoring Calls

It can be challenging to connect to people within the yoga industry whose values align with yours. Even when you’re surrounded by people, there may be more responding and reacting than true thougtfulness and critical dialogue.

I encourage you to learn more about my values & commitments to ensure I can offer you support on your journey. As a mentor, I will support you from my social location and identity as a first-generation, Indian-American, caste-privileged & anti-caste yoga teacher to offer you insights and guidance on:

  • building inclusivity practices

  • increasing diversity & accessibility

  • managing equitable pay

  • the entrepreneurship journey

  • connection & mentorship

  • building vision and values

  • addressing race/ethnic/caste-based stress & trauma

How to begin:

If you’re ready to chat, you can:

  1. Start with a 15 minute call

  2. OR Book the full one hour call

  3. From there we will create a plan of action that may lead to another 60 minute call or a customized mentorship program

If you need more clarity before you reserve time, send an email first.


From a 60 minute mentoring call:

“Thank you so much for sharing sooooo much information and your insights from both personal experience and from your exposure to this work during a 60 minute chat. Thank you also for capturing the main topics and putting them into writing for me to work through in this email. Working with you has shown true professionalism in action. “

From a one question mentoring call:

“Tejal is a huge role model for me, and I was so nervous for our phone call! But she was so kind, knowledgeable, and validating throughout our discussion about the yoga community, race, and intersectionality. She is very passionate about what she does, and as soon as our conversation started going, my anxieties melted away, and I was totally engaged with all of the information and stories she had to tell. Thank you so much, Tejal! I am so excited to keep up with all of your incredible work.”

“Thank you so much for your thoughtful and resourceful email. It’s tough to be discerning in what has become such co-opted spaces. But your podcast and other projects have been incredibly helpful.“


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